Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Another Walk Off Winner, Webster 7, Kirkwood 6 (10 innings)

Obviously this is a team that doesn’t quit. I kind of wish they would start sooner, though, and then maybe we wouldn’t have to be so tenacious so often. But we are who we are, and tough gamers is not a bad identity. Kirkwood is going to start thinking of us as bullies. The last two years we tease them, then snatch their candy away at the last minute.
I’m aware that often, from a parent’s perspective, it is frustrating to have a daughter on the bench, especially when you’re sure she’s better than any number of girls ahead of her. That is the challenge of a large squad (Kirkwood only had 9 players available today); it is also what helped us to win in this game, as I had the flexibility to use players multiple time in various roles, and the confidence to use all those players at a crucial point in the game. Not once did I think, “Oh, no….”
As a result, I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s game at Northwest House Springs and the opportunity to give several players an extended look and a chance to show what they can do. We still have over half our games left to play; lots of innings and opportunities.
Our pitching tandem of Grace Behrle and ACB did a great job (only 2 walks) and, except for a shaky second inning, our defense played pretty well. Grace added four hits, including her third triple, and Claudia LeSage and Alina Castro each contributed three hits. The big blows in the seventh came from Becca DeGreeff to drive in the first run and Kate Nieman who batted in the game winners, including DeGreeff from second in the 10th inning for Webster’s second walk-off winner against the Pioneers in as many years.
Definitely a team win. We used, and needed, all 14 players on our squad, and it was an exciting finish for the players, fans, and, yes coaches. 

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