Thursday, September 12, 2019

Pioneers Axe the Statesmen, 13-5

We knew going in that this might be a tough contest. We had seen enough of Kirkwood this summer – and the past several years – to know that they had talent and coaching, a growing program that has closely paralleled our own. Add to that the long-standing (friendly, characterized by respect and sportsmanship) rivalry, well, it was going to be a big day.
Except for one bad (terrible, horrible, no good very bad) inning, we played even with that strong Kirkwood team. However, those were mistakes of execution, not preparation, not attitude, and they didn’t diminish our approach to the rest of the game. Olivia Leaver kept her cool on a hot day, just taking the ball and firing strikes. Another game with no walks from her. Nic Rikand finished out the last two innings with a solid effort in the circle, as well.
Maddie Keefer put us ahead, briefly with a bases clearing double and a 5-2 lead. She also was robbed twice by the left fielder. Caitlyn Boyd (POG) defied the Pioneers to throw her out and they couldn’t, not at first, not at second, not at third. Only a great diving catch by the Kirkwood backstop deprived her of a perfect day. 
I don’t know how many games we will win this weekend, next week, this year. But given what we saw today, I’m optimistic that we’ll see improvement game after game, week after week, and I’m looking forward to seeing that happen.

Marko sets up to receive one of the many strikes thrown by....

One of my favorite moments in every game is when the IF gathers around their pitcher.

Nikola Rikand finished out the game with a strong two inning performance.

Bailey Allen forces the Pioneer runner back to second, backing up the throw back to the pitcher.

Caitlyn Boyle not only sparked the offense with 2 hits and 2 runs, but added a catch in RF.

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