Thursday, September 15, 2016

If Only: Caught Short, Cut Short: Festus 3, Webster 0 (5 innings)

I’d like to think that if only we had been able to complete all seven innings of the game  our bats would have come around and we’d have pulled out our 10th win. Of course, I’d like to think I could have graduated from Hamilton College, if only.... What exists are the facts in evidence, and, bottom line we didn’t swing the bats any better than I worked, lo those many years ago.
Don't misunderstand. I'm not terribly upset (about either of the above scenarios, actually). Fetus has a good team and played strong defensively, on both the routine balls and the less frequent hard hit ones.  We also played well and tried hard. I think we could have run them to death, but the old adage about stealing first base rang true this afternoon. We made a couple mistakes, but it wouldn’t appear that either would have altered the final outcome.
The weather played its part, and lightning forced a stoppage and then a cancellation when it flashed a few minutes after the stoppage. We also faced the tyranny of the Weather Apps., which proved themselves to be just as bad at guessing as their human counterparts in the various and sundry newsrooms around the area.
Josie Krueger was at the hard-luck loser, despite pitching well. We just didn’t hit, for whatever reason.
I’m hopeful that we’ll see increased production and a return to our normal swings at the tournament this weekend. Hope to see you there. Thanks to Scott Hayes for getting us some pictures. Varsity Views was also in the house and if I can add some of their shots later I’ll do so.

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