Monday, August 28, 2017

Working at Winning With Class: Webster 24, Parkway North 0

Still waiting for a true test. Parkway North might have been the weakest opponent yet, but our girls did a great job of “winning with class.” They kept their energy up despite the obvious mismatch (The Vikings recorded 6 outs against us, 3 of which came from “leaving early,” to which we called the umpire’s attention; a 4th came from a bases loaded bunt). It was a challenge to even give outs without deliberately striking out, something I’d never ask a girl to do. In any case, our cumulative score for 4 games: 12.5 innings, 76-1.
Looking forward to a good practice tomorrow and more competitive games on Wednesday (away against Parkway Central) and Thursday (home against Kirkwood). The latter we fully expect to give us a true challenge. Parkway Central is kind of a “You never know.” It’s ranged from blowouts (our way) to a 3-2 loss just a few years ago. One thing we do know is that our girls will give a spirited performance and their best effort.
No practices on Friday or Monday, but we’ll work hard next Tuesday to get ready for Francis Howell Central (Wednesday) and Hazelwood West (Thursday), then another prep day (short but intense) getting ready for the challenging Fort Zumwalt Tournament. Every team member is guaranteed one start in every tournament. If your weekend schedule makes one game more accessible to parents and/or grandparents (I’m kind of sensitive to the grandparent thing, not that it has much chance of ever being an issue for me in an athletic competition), please let me know and I will try to accommodate. Also, I had more (good) pictures, but hotel internet is dreadfully slow. Check back tomorrow night to see if I was able to add some to this batch.

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